Arthritis | Ogden, UT | Utah Orthopaedics


Arthritis Care: How to Keep Joints Healthy in Colder Weather

When temperatures drop, many people with arthritis notice their joint pain worsening. Colder weather can make stiff and achy joints feel more uncomfortable, especially for those managing arthritis.  While there’s no cure for arthritis, certain steps can help reduce discomfort and keep your joints as healthy as possible, even during the winter months. Why Does Cold

Arthritis Care: How to Keep Joints Healthy in Colder Weather Read More »

Treating Arthritic Feet

Your feet are the wheels your body needs to move about the world. They help you run, jump and walk to take in everything your journey offers. When your feet constantly ache, it can be debilitating and limit your quality of life. Sometimes foot pain cases can be relieved through rest and medication. However, lingering

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