Handling a Torn Achilles | Ogden, UT | Utah Orthopaedics

Handling a Torn Achilles

Achilles injury on running outdoors. Your Achilles tendon plays a crucial role in your day-to-day activities and injuring it can have far-reaching consequences. Some people believe that a torn Achilles can eventually heal if they wait long enough. The problem with this theory is that you could be prolonging your recovery time, leading to you missing out on even more of your everyday activities. Our dedicated staff here at Utah Orthopaedics works hard to give you the high-quality care you need to help restore your quality of life. If you’re wondering how to treat a torn Achilles tendon, we can help. Here are a few things you should know about Achilles surgery and if it may be the best treatment for you.

How Achilles Injuries Occur

The Achilles tendon is a highly sturdy joint. It helps keep your heel bone connected to the muscles behind your calf, making it essential to your ability to walk. Achilles injuries are common and can happen in many ways. One of the typical ways that people sustain Achilles injuries is from physical activity, such as sports. Many sports require jumping, sprinting, and rapid changes in direction. In some instances, intense activity from sports causes the Achilles to rupture or tear completely. When this happens, it makes walking challenging to do without assistance.

Also, Achilles injuries can occur during routine activities, including falling from a height, stepping into a hole, wearing high heels, or stretching it beyond their capacity.

Achilles Surgery Expectations

There are some instances where an Achilles injury resolves itself by immobilizing the area by using a brace or cast and giving it time to heal. In other cases, surgery may be the best option to help get you back on your feet quickly. Your need for surgery depends on the severity of your injury and what our experts recommend. It also depends on your lifestyle, such as if you’re an athlete or perform a job heavily reliant on your mobility. Achilles surgery is a relatively quick procedure, typically lasting between 30 minutes to an hour from start to finish, allowing you to go home the same day.

If you’ve suffered an Achilles injury, we would love to help. Please get in touch with our office in Ogden today to schedule a consultation at (801) 917-8000.

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