Types of Bursitis and Available Treatment Options

Types of Bursitis and Available Treatment Options

BursitisBursitis is the name of a condition that involves inflammation of a bursa. This fluid-filled sac near large joints—such as your shoulders, hips, and knees—works to provide a cushion between two gliding surfaces in the body. When there is inflammation in the area, it can result in pain and significant discomfort.

Types of Bursitis

There are several types of bursitis that individuals can suffer from. Each type can result in range of motion limitations and localized pain. Some common areas affected by this condition are as follows.

Retromalleolar Tendon

This type of bursitis is often referred to as Albert Disease and affects the lower portion of the Achilles tendon. It can occur as a result of shoes with rigid back support, disease, or injuries to the area.

Posterior Achilles Tendon

This type of bursitis often stems from Haglund’s deformity and impacts the area between the Achilles tendon and the heel. Walking that puts additional pressure on the soft heel tissue and causes the area to press into the hard back support of a shoe is the most common cause of posterior Achilles tendon bursitis.


Bursitis that affects the hip is often referred to as trochanteric bursitis. This condition occurs as a result of overuse, arthritis, injury, surgery, or spinal abnormalities. It is more commonly diagnosed in women and older adults.


This generally occurs as a result of constant pressure on the elbow or due to an injury. Elbow bursitis results in inflammation of bursae between the skin and the elbow.


Knee bursitis is often referred to as Pes Anserine or goosefoot bursitis. This condition affects bursae positioned between the three tendons of the hamstring muscles and the shin bone. It can be a result of not stretching before exercise, arthritis, or being overweight.


People who are on their knees a lot run the risk of suffering kneecap bursitis, also known as prepatellar bursitis. This condition generally affects plumbers and carpet layers.

Treatment Options for Bursitis

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation are most commonly recommended to treat bursitis. However, pain medications and anti-inflammatory medications may provide some relief. Injections or a medical procedure may be required in some cases.

Get Help for Bursitis in Ogden, UT

If you have bursitis and you are interested in exploring the treatment options that are available to help relieve your symptoms, reach out to Utah Orthopaedics today by calling 801-917-8001 or using the online contact form to schedule an appointment.

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