What Are Hammertoes and How Do They Develop?

What Are Hammertoes and How Do They Develop?

A close-up shot of a doctor examining a patient’s hammertoes Hammertoes are a common foot condition in which one or more toes become abnormally bent at the middle joint. This condition often affects the second, third, or fourth toe. It causes pain, discomfort, and difficulty wearing shoes.

At Utah Orthopaedics, the only LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Platinum-certified facility in the Rocky Mountains, we know that hammertoes can start as a minor nuisance. We also know that they can become more severe over time if left untreated. 

Understanding how hammertoes develop can help you take the right steps toward prevention and treatment.

What Are Hammertoes?

Hammertoes occur when the muscles, tendons, or ligaments in your foot become imbalanced. This causes the toes to bend into a curled or hammer-like position. 

Initially, the toe may remain flexible and can be straightened with gentle pressure. However, as the condition progresses, the joint can become rigid and painful. This makes it difficult to straighten the toe without medical intervention.

Hammertoes can vary in severity from mild to severe. It depends on how long the condition has gone untreated.

How Do Hammertoes Develop?

Several factors can contribute to the development of hammertoes. This includes:

  • Poor footwear choices: Wearing tight, narrow shoes or high heels forces your toes into an unnatural position. This leads to muscle imbalances over time.
  • Genetic predisposition: In some cases, people are genetically more prone to hammertoes because of the shape of their feet or the way they walk.
  • Underlying medical conditions: Conditions like arthritis, diabetes, or foot trauma can also increase your risk of developing hammertoes.
  • Age: As muscles weaken or stiffen due to age or disease, they can no longer align the toes properly. This leads to the bending characteristic of hammertoes.

When to Seek Treatment

If you notice that your toes are becoming painful, stiff, or difficult to move, it’s essential to seek treatment early. At Utah Orthopaedics, our team offers a range of treatment options for hammertoes, from conservative care like orthotics and physical therapy to surgical correction in more severe cases.

Don’t let hammertoes interfere with your daily life. Schedule a consultation with Utah Orthopaedics today to find the right solution for you. Call us at (801) 917-8000 or request an appointment online.

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