What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy is used to help people who have disabilities, no matter the source, live independently. At Utah Orthopaedics, our compassionate and well-trained team is trained to help you relearn how to do your daily activities or adapt to a different way of doing them.
How Can Occupational Therapy Help Me?
Occupational therapy can help a variety of people, including people who have had surgery, stroke, or amputation or are struggling with arthritis or hip problems. If you suffer from any of these issues or something similar, occupational therapy can benefit you because it helps the following:
- Improve mobility, such as getting in and out of bed, getting up from a chair, and walking.
- Helps you relearn how to do daily activities like bathing and feeding yourself
- Helps you relearn how to write, clean, cook, and other more involved activities
- Improves your fine motor skills
- Prevent falls
- Improves your well-being
- Help with vision loss
Why Choose Utah Orthopaedics For Your Occupational Therapy Needs?
Our experienced and comforting orthopaedic team at Utah Orthopaedics will provide you with your own customized treatment plan to get you back to doing your daily activities on your own. Our practice promotes the safety of our patients, making us the only Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Platinum Certified facility in the region!
At Utah Orthopaedics, we treat various conditions, such as ankle dislocation, arthritis, foot sprains, stress fractures, meniscus tears, hammertoes, ganglion cysts, cartilage defects, and more. We have board-certified orthopaedic surgeons on deck who are experienced in performing a long list of treatments. We can also determine the cause of any pain you are experiencing by using our advanced diagnostic technologies.
Schedule an Appointment Today
If you are ready to regain your independence with occupational therapy, call Utah Orthopaedics in Ogden, UT, at 801-917-8001 to schedule an appointment with one of our highly skilled and trained occupational therapists!