ACL Injuries | Ogden, UT | Utah Orthopaedics

ACL Injuries: Everything You Need To Know

yogendra singh KtPJkTlke8Y unsplashKnee injuries are typically not a fun experience to go through at all, especially if you’ve injured your ACL. This ligament is crucial for stability, strength, and balance in the knee and helps you operate properly in your day to day activities. An ACL injury can require surgery and rehabilitation. Here is everything you need to know about ACL injuries.

How Does An ACL Injury Occur?

An ACL injury can occur much easier than you think. It typically happens after a quick twist or turns or landing after a jump incorrectly. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is responsible for stabilizing your tibia and femur bones.

Intense activities that involve a lot of physical activity can often lead to an ACL tear. Changing direction suddenly and swiftly can cause injury to the ACL as well, which makes this injury so common in many different sports.

Signs & Symptoms of an Injured ACL

There are a few signs and symptoms to look out for when checking if you’ve injured your ACL or not. A few signs and symptoms are:

  • Loud pop, crack, or snap at the time of suspected injury
  • Intense swelling and bruising
  • Instability when putting weight on your knee

These symptoms and more may indicate an ACL injury. If you think you’ve injured your ACL, it’s important to seek professional medical attention right away and have it examined.

ACL Injury Treatment Options

Depending on the injury, whether it’s a full tear, partial tear, or strain, the treatment option available can vary. In the case of a full or partial tear, a surgical procedure may be required, followed by rehabilitation and physical therapy. During surgery, a graft is used to replace the ACL. If it is just a strain, in most cases, it will just heal on its own in a few weeks to several months.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

At Utah Orthopaedics in Ogden, UT, we pride ourselves on helping individuals reclaim their best lives and get past their injuries and conditions. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best service and care possible. If you need ACL reconstruction or treatment or have any other questions, give us a call at 801-917-8001 to schedule an appointment. You can also visit us at for more information.

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