What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Tingling, numbness, and pain in the wrist are all common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, but what causes it? Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by the carpal tunnel applying pressure on the median nerve. Your median nerve connects a large number of nerves between the arm and the hand. The median nerve goes through a narrow passageway called the carpal tunnel to access the hand. When the carpal tunnel compresses or narrows too much, carpal tunnel syndrome occurs. Let’s take a closer look at what can cause carpal tunnel syndrome and how to seek carpal tunnel syndrome treatment.


Perhaps one of the most straightforward reasons for carpal tunnel syndrome is an injury to the wrist or hand. Injuries will often cause swelling and inflammation. The carpal tunnel could become compressed if the surrounding tissue becomes inflamed or swollen. This is common in sprains and broken bones. These issues normally resolve themselves as the injury heals. However, carpal tunnel syndrome can become reoccurring if the wound isn’t allowed to heal correctly.

Inflammatory Conditions

As mentioned before, inflammation is a large contributor to carpal tunnel syndrome. Inflammation conditions like arthritis can be a cause of carpal tunnel syndrome. Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis cause the autoimmune system to attack the body’s connective tissues and leads to widespread inflammation and arthritis. Any condition that affects the joints is likely to lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Repetitive Motions

Repetition, especially in the wrists, can be common in our everyday lives. Different repetitive tasks involving the wrists could inflame joints and cause carpal tunnel syndrome. This could include things like typing, writing, exercise, knitting, sewing, playing a video game, and much more. Avoiding repetitive activities can be difficult if they are needed for everyday activities or for work.

Seeking Treatment

Your wrists are used every day in a wide variety of tasks. Carpal tunnel syndrome can make these daily tasks painful and uncomfortable. That’s why our team at Utah Orthopaedics provides comprehensive orthopaedic care, including carpal tunnel syndrome. Our team of experts would be happy to explore your condition and discuss your treatment options. If you’re experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome, contact Utah Orthopaedics at 801-917-8000 today.

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